TEI Documentation Links


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<correspDesc xml:id="unique_letter_id">
  <correspAction type="sent">
    <persName xml:lang="de" ref="http://d-nb.info/gnd/118540238">
  <correspAction type="received">
    <persName xml:lang="de" ref="http://d-nb.info/gnd/118540987">

The base CSS used in this example is from Pandoc.css by Pascal Hertleif (killercup). The dark theme is provided by the tei-documentation-links.css.

The example is based on the TEI extension <correspDesc> developed by the TEI Correspondence SIG. For more information about <correspDesc> see the article by Stadler, Illetschko, Seifert: Towards a Model for Encoding Correspondence in the TEI: Developing and Implementing <correspDesc> ; for more information about the corresponding web service see correspSearch by Stefan Dumont.